Energy Efficient air source heat pump Tips


In the global environment of energy conservation and emission reduction, how can we make the air source heat pump system in our home more energy efficient and save more money for our family on the premise of providing a comfortable living environment?


air source heat pump supplier

Maybe you're buying new air source heat pump, or older equipment is failing. Then it's time to upgrade. Save even more on your utility bills by choosing the right size and type of air source heat pump system for your home.


Your local heat pump companies or utility company can provide energy audits or calculations to help you choose the right size unit, and professionals will consider your home's heating and cooling needs and the environment.


Bigger air source heat pump is not always better

A wrongly sized air source heat pump system can cost more to run, and units that are too small or too large for your home are inefficient. When temperatures rise or fall sharply, an insufficient air source heat pump unit can increase your utility costs by making it difficult to heat or cool your home. An air source heat pump that is too large will struggle to maintain a consistent temperature and will need to be cycled on and off repeatedly.


If you're confused by the size of your air source heat pump unit, expert advice tends to go larger, as long as you don't choose more than:


15% higher than your recommended air conditioner BTU.

40% higher than your recommended BTU for heating.

25% higher BTU than your recommended heat pump combination.


Choosing the Right Type of air source heat pump System Can Save You Money


The air source heat pump system is either a separate furnace and air conditioner, or a heat pump that combines the two. If your home is fully electric, an air source heat pump may be your only option. Many people with natural gas or propane still choose heat pumps because they are all-in-one. Monthly operating costs for heat pumps may be higher in regions with cooler climates, as electricity is generally more expensive than other fuels. Running a heat pump becomes more efficient and energy efficient when you live in a warm climate zone, so be sure to consider your climate zone.


An air source heat pump system with a separate gas or propane furnace and air conditioner can help you control your monthly utility bills, and it's a great option to run your furnace on less expensive fuel only during the colder months.


Managing Your Thermostat


Consistent temperatures throughout the year can save on heating and cooling bills. During the warmer months, setting the thermostat to a consistent 26 degrees Celsius can save you up to 10% on your energy bills per year. According to Department of Energy calculations, you can save 3% on cooling bills per degree you set the temperature above 22 degrees Celsius. Your thermostat plays an important role in regulating the perfect temperature in your home for comfort and money. A programmable thermostat heats and cools the room on your schedule.


Smart thermostats can save money by effectively cooling and heating your house by automatically setting them up. The new smart thermostat can be run via an app or a remote so you can manage the temperature in your home from anywhere in or outside your home. Voice- or WiFi-controlled smart thermostats are perfect for cold mornings when you're not ready to get up and heat up.


Simple and Money-Saving air source heat pump Strategies

You can try these simple strategies to maximize your savings. There are a number of ways that air source heat pump units can operate efficiently, meaning lower heating and cooling bills.


Cleaning: Regular cleaning of vents or changing filters can help your air source heat pump.

Maintenance: Maintain your air source heat pump unit according to the manufacturer's schedule.

Fans: Adding fans to your home during the warmer months can help you save on cooling bills by improving personal comfort and allowing you to lower your thermostat.

Vents: Make sure your air source heat pump vents are clean and unobstructed.

On warm days, manage your blinds and curtains to keep the sun out.

Monitor your windows and doors for leaks and drafts - they can increase energy loss.


heat pump companies

The air energy heat pump designed by Alsavo which is a popular air source heat pump supplier, uses the most advanced technology to provide you with the best indoor heating and cooling system. If you see this, you still have questions about choosing a suitable air energy heat pump for your home. If you are confused, please log in to our official website to learn more.


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